Posts tagged "Chef Andre Carthen"
Delicious Trends

Delicious Trends

By Chef Andre Carthen Today’s food trends are more inline with a fashion jungle profile. What was hot yesterday, might kill you today. Not so long ago, everyone was pushing ORGANIC. What was supposingly better for you, could kill your bank account. Then came SUPERFOODS and KALE, the new end all, be all. Kale Cesar...
2nd Annual Food Issue!

2nd Annual Food Issue!

Palm Springs Flavor : The 2014 Chefs of the Desert By Chef Andre Carthen They’re hot, succulent, savory, sexy and delicious…and their food is good too! Yes, I’m talking about this year’s Chefs of the Desert and I’m very happy to say that I’ve had them all…their food, that is. Like the people that flock...