Burn the Page
Always Overbooked By Terri Schlichenmeyer Sometimes, the smallest things make you hot under the collar. It doesn’t take much: an idiot on the road, a disrespectful eyeroll, something muttered under someone’s breath and that’s it, you’re torched. Sometimes, conversely, the smallest things can change your bad mood. In “Burn the Page” by Danica Roem, it...

Transgender History
Always Overbooked By Terri Schlichenmeyer It had to start somewhere. Someone had to make the first step, to pave the way, to stick a fork into the ground and say, “Here, now.” Someone had to be the first so that others could follow, and in the newly updated book “Transgender History” by Susan...

Somebody to Love
Always Overbooked By Terri Schlichenmeyer Last year was a particularly rough one. Every time you open a newspaper or turned on the computer or TV, it seemed as though someone – a Hollywood actor, singer, or stage performer you liked – had died. Even now, whether it was six months, a year or,...

The Perfect Gift
Always Overbooked By Terri Schlichenmeyer The Perfect Gift It sounds so cliché doesn’t it? But that’s what you want to give to every single person on your gift list this year, from your family to your bestie to your neighbor. The Perfect Gift, however, isn’t so perfectly easy to find – especially for...

Always Overbooked…
Always Overbooked By Terri Schlichenmeyer Your favorite hangout isn’t all that fancy. It’s comfortable, though: you’ve got places to sit, flat surfaces for your stuff, and your friends are always around. Best of all, nobody says you can’t be there; everybody’s welcome all the time. It wasn’t always that way, though, as you’ll see...

Always Overbooked…
Always Overbooked… By Terri Schlichenmeyer Once, many years ago, your grandmother chased your grandpa out of the house. Nobody remembers why or what happened afterward; the particulars are lost, and they aren’t important anymore, really. The laugh-til-you-cry telling, the knee slapping, each embellishment as years go by – that’s what truly matters. Family stories...

Always Overbooked…
Always Overbooked… By Terri Schlichenmeyer A toast… You’ve been doing that often lately. A toast to friends and family around the table. To a new job, new baby, new marriage. To accomplishments made in the past and possibilities that lie in the future. Like you, your favorite actors enjoy raising a glass, too. And...

Books Under the Tree
Always Overbooked… By Terri Schlichenmeyer Snowflakes on your nose. Warm mittens and snowball fights. Cuddling in front of the fire as the wind howls outside. Sleigh rides through the park. Glittery-wrapped presents beneath a gorgeously decorated tree. Okay, so you might not get any of those but the last one. Palm Springs = not so...